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Itching Medicine for Dogs
Itching medicine for dogs can alleviate discomfort while your vet treats the underlying cause. Many underlying health issues can cause itching in dogs, ranging from fleas and allergies to anxiety and dry skin.
Apoquel (Rx)
$2.89 / unit
Multiple options available
Cefpodoxime (Rx)
$1.62 / unit
Multiple options available
Cephalexin (Rx)
$0.50 / unit
Multiple options available
Animax Ointment (Rx)
$10.81 / unit
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Get our dermatologist-created treatment plan for itching
We worked with top specialists to develop this proven plan to relieve dog itching.
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$8.99 / unit
From $6.29 AUTOSHIP
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Mupirocin Ointment (Rx)
$14.50 / unit
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Get our dermatologist-created treatment plan for itching
We worked with top specialists to develop this proven plan to relieve dog itching.
Banophen Allergy Tablet (Diphenhydramine) 25mg
$3.99 / unit
From $2.79 AUTOSHIP
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Atopica (Rx)
$42.88 / unit
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Get our dermatologist-created treatment plan for itching
We worked with top specialists to develop this proven plan to relieve dog itching.
DermaBenSs Shampoo for Dogs & Cats
$23.85 / unit
From $16.70 AUTOSHIP
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Rilexine (Cephalexin) Chewable Tablets (Rx)
$32.93 / unit
Multiple options available
Welactin Canine
$20.09 / unit
From $20.09 AUTOSHIP
30% off first Autoship orderMultiple options available
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is my dog itching but doesn't have any fleas?
Why is my dog itching but doesn't have any fleas?
Fleas aren't the only cause of itching in dogs. Besides fleas, dogs can itch due to allergies, mange, bacterial and yeast infections, and anxiety.
One of the most common causes of itching in dogs is allergies, and two types of allergies can cause dry, itchy skin: food and environmental allergies. Ultimately, the allergens in either food or the environment, such as dust and mold, can cause hives and itchy, inflamed skin. Luckily, treating the underlying cause can eliminate the symptom of itchiness.
What do I do if my dog is itching from fleas?
What do I do if my dog is itching from fleas?
If your dog is itching from fleas, the best thing you can do is have them diagnosed and treated by a vet. Dutch vets can diagnose and treat fleas on dogs by providing options for flea medicine, ranging from topicals like shampoos and spot-on treatments to oral treatments that eliminate adult fleas, larvae, and eggs.
Of course, you shouldn't wait to get your dog treated for fleas because fleas can infest the entire household, and they've been known to bite humans. Therefore, if your dog has fleas, they can transfer them to other pets, including cats and your family members.
What is the best itching medicine for dogs?
What is the best itching medicine for dogs?
The best itching medicine for dogs depends on the cause of your dog's itching. For example, if your dog has parasites, infections, or fleas, it may require prescription anti-itch medication. However, if your dog is suffering from dry skin, topical anti-itch medications for dogs might be enough to alleviate their symptoms.
Treating the primary illness will alleviate the symptoms. However, if your dog is suffering from extreme itchiness and can't wait for the treatments to work, your vet may prescribe one of several types of anti-itch medicine for dogs, including the following:
- Apoquel: Apoquel is used to treat allergic skin diseases by targeting inflammation. Dogs typically experience less itching after a few hours after the first dose.
- Credelio: Credelio is a chewable, oral tablet that treats flea and tick infestations. It begins killing fleas within a few hours of the first dose and keeps your pet protected throughout the month.
- Douxo S3 Pyo Shampoo: Douxo is a non-prescription topical anti-itch shampoo for dogs that treats and prevents skin issues while soothing irritated and inflamed skin.
- Antihistamines: Allergy medicine for dogs may effectively reduce itching due to allergic reactions in dogs. However, you should also try to determine what they're allergic to and eliminate it from their environments or try a hypoallergenic diet, depending on their allergies.
- Anxiety medications: Itching, excessive licking, and chewing can indicate anxiety in dogs. If your pet is itching and there's no underlying physical health issue, they may need anxiety meds for dogs.
When should I see a vet for my dog's itching?
When should I see a vet for my dog's itching?
Like humans, dogs scratch themselves from time to time. However, it'll be fairly obvious when your dog scratches more than usual. If you notice fleas on your pet or your dog is experiencing any other symptoms, it should be examined by a vet as soon as possible.
You don't have to take your dog to the vet to get the necessary treatment. Instead, you can use Dutch telemedicine for pets to diagnose and treat your dog's itchy skin from the comfort of your home.