Royal Canin Feline Renal Support S dry cat food
Royal Canin Feline Renal Support S dry cat food
Product Information
Your vet recommended Royal Canin Renal Support S for a reason. This highly palatable dry cat food is specially formulated to care for the kidney health of adult cats under veterinary supervision. S stands for Savory, and this formula can help stimulate your cat’s appetite. The square-shaped dry kibble can be mixed with other Royal Canin Renal Support formulas, which have a variety of palatable aromas and dry or wet forms to help find the right combination to get your cat eating again. And the energy-dense diet provides nutritional support in smaller portions, since cats with reduced kidney function have decreased appetites. Plus, it contains a precise antioxidant complex, fatty acids from fish oil, low phosphorus, and targeted protein levels to help support kidney function.
($8.79 / unit)
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