Royal Canin Breed Health Nutrition Beagle Adult dry dog food
Royal Canin Breed Health Nutrition Beagle Adult dry dog food
Royal Canin knows what makes your Beagle magnificent is in the details. When Beagles aren’t snuggled by your side, they’re hot on the trail to find their next snack. These hungry hounds can benefit from the right diet to help them feel full after eating, maintain a healthy weight, and support bone and joint health in their short, athletic bodies.
Royal Canin Beagle Adult Dry Dog Food is tailor-made nutrition created just for your purebred Beagle. This exclusive breed-specific diet is uniquely formulated for your Beagle, with the specific nutrients to help them thrive. The custom kibble is designed for your Beagle’s square muzzle, encouraging them to chew and slowly eat their food. A blend of fibers helps Beagles feel full after eating. Tailored calorie content helps promote weight maintenance. And glucosamine and chondroitin support joint and bone health, to help keep your energetic hound healthy and strong.
($34.99 / unit)
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