Online pet pharmacy

Shop pet medications online to find your pet the best products approved and handpicked by our very own vets. Dutch members receive free shipping on all online pet pharmacy products and prescriptions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an online pet pharmacy?

An online pet pharmacy primarily fills pet meds online. However, the Dutch online pet pharmacy also sells other pet products to support their health, such as dog and cat food, treats, grooming supplies, and much more. 

Our pharmacy allows you to order prescription pet meds online after your appointment with one of our vets. You can also browse our online pharmacy for pets to find non-prescription products like food, treats, and shampoo to keep your pet healthy.

Are online pet pharmacies safe?

Dutch vets are 100% licensed and able to prescribe medications for a number of conditions, including allergies, anxiety, ears, fleas, itching, nutrition, urinary, and vomiting. With our online pharmacy for pets, you can get everything from flea medicine for cats to anxiety medication for dogs to address your dog’s destructive behavior and fear. What makes our online pet pharmacy different from all the rest is that our vets create customized treatment plans for pets that may or may not include medication. 

Of course, not all pet concerns are appropriate for vet telemedicine. If your dog or cat is experiencing a health emergency, you should take them to an emergency veterinary clinic as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment.

Where do I pick up my pet’s online prescription?

Getting pet meds online is easier than ever with Dutch. Simply book a virtual appointment with one of our vets to prescribe your pet’s medication. Then, our partner pharmacy will deliver your medication directly to your door with free shipping. Additionally, we can transfer your pet’s prescriptions to the pharmacy of your choice.

How can I get a refill for my pet’s online prescription?

You can get a refill for your pet’s prescription online by making an appointment with a vet or messaging them directly when a refill is needed. Try Dutch today to find the best medicine for your pet.

Is it cheaper to buy pet meds online?

It’s often cheaper to buy pet meds online. With Dutch, your pet’s medication ships for free. In addition, the appointment costs to get a prescription and treatment for your pet are significantly lower than visiting a vet in person. Dutch offers membership plans starting at just $11 per month. A full year of Dutch often costs less than a single in-person veterinary visit. 

Our prescription prices are designed to be competitive with our price-match guarantee, keeping pet care costs low.

Can I consult a veterinarian online if I have questions about the medications?

You can consult a vet whenever you have questions about your pet’s health or treatment. A Dutch membership includes free unlimited follow-ups via video calls and direct messaging with our vets. For instance, if you have questions about allergy or flea medicine for dogs, you can contact us for more information to help you find the best solution.

Can I order other pet supplies from an online pet pharmacy?

Some online pet pharmacies are just for prescriptions. However, our pharmacy includes essential pet health supplies every pet parent needs. For instance, if you don’t have a prescription for anxiety medicine for cats, you can treat your cat’s anxiety with non-prescription treats and pheromones. 

Apart from online pet meds, we also offer the following:

  • Purina food for dogs and cats that offers nutrition essential to their health and wellness
  • Supplements to ensure they’re getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals they need
  • Dental care products to help your pet get fresher breath and a healthier mouth
  • Skin care products like shampoo to relieve skin irritation 
  • Ear treatments to clean your dog’s ears and help them avoid painful ear infections

How can I contact customer support if I have any issues with my order?

If you have issues with your pet’s prescription order, contact customer support at